Frequently Asked Questions

What kinds of services do you offer?

We offer tutoring, homeschool help, one-time classes for requested topics or test prep, curriculum guidance, annual homeschool evaluations, as well as parent support, training, and coaching.

We serve homeschool families and students ages 4-12 in all core subjects including Reading, Writing, Math, and even Spanish. One-time classes covering specific topics in any subject or topic of interest can also be provided.

We also offer business consulting to tutors and educators who seek support, guidance, and mentorship as they start-up or expand their tutoring business.

What kind of support do you provide to homeschool parents and what can I expect?

I provide a range of support services to homeschooling parents, tailored to meet their unique needs and goals. Here's what you can expect:

Homeschool Consultations

Initial Consultation: Understanding your child's educational needs, learning style, and your family's goals.

Curriculum Development: Helping you select or design a curriculum that aligns with your child's interests and academic requirements.

Resource Recommendations: Suggesting books, online courses, extracurricular activities, and other resources to enrich your homeschooling experience.

Legal and Administrative Guidance: Assisting with understanding and complying with state homeschooling laws and requirements.

Guidance and Planning

Educational Planning: Creating a personalized educational plan that outlines goals, timelines, and milestones for your child's learning.

Teaching Strategies: Providing tips and techniques for effective teaching and maintaining engagement.

Assessment and Evaluation: Helping you assess your child's progress through various methods, including standardized tests, portfolios, and regular reviews.

Mentoring and Ongoing Support

Regular Check-ins: Checking in via email or text and/or scheduling periodic meetings to discuss progress, address concerns, and adjust plans as needed.

Problem Solving: Offering solutions to challenges such as motivation, time management, and balancing homeschooling with other responsibilities.

Emotional Support: Providing encouragement and reassurance to help you navigate the ups and downs of homeschooling.

Community Building: Connecting you with other homeschooling families and local support groups for shared activities and mutual support.

By working together, we can create a positive and effective homeschooling experience that meets your child's educational needs and supports your family's lifestyle and values.

Do you offer in-person services?

No, we do not offer in-person services. All services are provided exclusively online using Zoom, a video conferencing platform.

Our learning sessions replicate the in-person experience. Students are given the opportunity to move around, take brain breaks, and participate in learning activities that keep them engaged throughout the entire learning session.

Online learning also allows both educator and student the comfort to learn in a familiar and comfortable environment. Travelling to a set location is not required, which saves time and provides flexibility in scheduling especially if the child is involved in extracurricular activities.

Do you offer 1:1 tutoring or group tutoring?

We offer customized lessons for both 1:1 tutoring and group tutoring according to skill level, age, and grade level.

Using evidence-based teaching methods, both kinds of tutoring structures are effective and can bring about academic growth, a boost in confidence, and results!

What can I expect before, during, and after I enroll my child with you?

Before we officially begin online learning, we will meet on Zoom to chat during our free consultation about your homeschooling journey, child's academic successes, learning goals, and their interests. We will discuss how our educators can help you and your family and will schedule a Meet-and-Greet session with your child.

During enrollment you will be asked to fill-out our registration form, choose your service packages, read the Parent Handbook, read through our Media Consent form, we will finalize your enrollment, and an invoice will be sent to you via email. You will not be required to give Media Consent in order to finalize your child's enrollment, but we do require payment in full before services are rendered.

After the forms are filled out and payment has been made, you will gain access to our calendar to schedule sessions for online learning and we will begin sessions! Your child's first session will include a free 15-30 minute Meet-and-Greet session where your child will get to share their interests as well as become comfortable with Zoom and their online teacher and the teacher will also conduct an informal assessment according to his/her age and grade level in order to customize lessons for future sessions.

Throughout your child's academic journey with Funshine, expect us to send you text and email reminders for learning sessions and upcoming payments, updates on your child's progress utilizing your child's Google Classroom, pictures of your child participating in online learning sessions, encouraging messages, as well as birthday cards, certificates, encouraging notes, and small gifts in the mail. 

You and your child are important to us and we will do our very best to show you just that!

Do you only work with students who are struggling?

No, students of all academic competencies are welcomed to enroll! We will remediate, strengthen, and/or enrich your child's academic skills according to your input, our observations throughout our sessions, as well as their assessment results.

Where can I find your package prices?

Our packages can be found HERE. 

Prices and payment options can be requested using the "Request Package Prices" button and link below.

If you're ready to learn more about enrolling your child, let's get you started with a FREE Online Learning Consultation!

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